Thursday, January 24, 2008

Typical Gaming Coverage

So I was reading through some articles about the Presidential race on, when an article caught my eye. It was in the technology section, and was about profits for Nintendo Co. So I read the article, and to no surprise, it is just another example of the typical coverage the gaming world gets. A piece of crap article, with no relevant information, unless perhaps you wanted to invest in Nintendo stock. If that was the purpose, it should be in the Business section.

The piece had absolutely no information on the technology part of the Wii, nor did it go into the entertainment part of the Wii. Hardware belongs in technology, finances in business, and the rest of the gaming industry in Entertainment, since it is an Entertainment industry.

This is probably the most common type of article in the mainstream media these days, the type of article that is basically just a journalist re-printing a press release about sales information or new releases. Then we have the "video games are evil and are causing all of America's violence" stories, which are in the paper every month or two. And then once or twice a year we get a story about Second Life or about a big release, like the new systems last year or Halo 3 this year. What does an industry have to do to get some real coverage around here?

There were also some errors and other annoyances. The article refered to the Wii throughout the entire story as the "Wii machine," and it was alongside the "DS portable machine." The DS has new games, said the article, including one that shows new cooking recipes (is this their mis-understanding of Cooking Mama?). The article also said that the "new" game called Wii Sports has been a big hit and is causing increased sales. Can the game that came with the system at launch really be called new?

It's time for our mainstream media to wake up and see the light: the game industry deserves and demands better.

(the article: Nintendo Earnings Nearly Double on Wii)

~ Lady ~

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