Monday, February 4, 2008

MMO Opinion Feedback

So I just published my opinion piece about MMORPG's last week, and the feedback has been great.

I had argued that Guild Wars was a better game and a better deal than WoW, and that WoW has a reputation that is bigger than it deserves. I am arguing against the grain, that's for sure. See the Articles section for the full story, it's a pretty quick read (the screens in this post accompanied my article, to show the difference in the 2 games' graphics).

But I couldn't believe how many people I heard from about the article. There was the usual comments, friends of mine that said they saw it and liked it. But there were a lot more meaningful responses as well. I got text messages from a couple of friends I hadn't talked to in a while, saying that they liked the article and were playing Guild Wars again. When someone takes a slug at WoW, all the closet-Guild Wars players come out of hiding and show themselves. I also got a couple of new Facebook friend requests from other Guild Wars players.

But of course, not everything was rainbows and sunshine. I had a lot of WoW fans coming up to me to argue the merits of their game, and many of them made good points. I had lunch today with an aquaintence while we discussed MMO's. He has played quite a few, including WoW, Everquest and Guild Wars, so his insight was welcome. He brought up some good points against Guild Wars, but also just as many against WoW.

Whether the responses were positive or negative, I was happy to get the topics out in public. I don't think we've ever had gaming related opinion pieces in the paper before, and I've never had so many conversations about online gaming in such a short amount of time. I'm just trying to do my part to bring this little hobby of ours to mainstream :)

Check out the article, and let me know what you think!

~ Lady ~

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