Wednesday, February 6, 2008



So I just played this game today for the first time (yeah I know I'm behind the times) and it rocks!

I had been skeptical about all of these music games, but Rock Band is remarkably well-designed. We played it during our Game Design II class today, and I have to say it was addicing. We were politely fighting over the guitars and the microphone all morning (people were afraid of how difficult the drums were). This is an awesome party game, unless you have more than 4 people, then it becomes a war over the spotlight :P

I hadn't played the guitar before, and I sucked. I had to play bass on easy on a couple of songs to get the hang of the keys, but even after that I couldn't do to well. And I didn't get a chance yet to play the drums. But on the mic, I shone.

I only knew the lyrics to a handful of songs, but the ones I knew, I knew. I've sung along to Dani California so many times that I could have sang for that song without the words scrolling across the top. It really felt like being the signer in a band, it was quite a rush. Plus, most of the instrument players were sitting down always, so I felt like I was at the center of attention in the room too.

Letting loose during the Star Power sequences was a bit embarassing at first, but I started to get into it at the end. I decided that, hey, this was an awesome game, and I shouldn't be afraid to get into it and start really rocking out. The last couple of songs I did I really kicked ass on, and I can't wait for the chance to play this again.

Until then... I'll have to stick to the shower for my rock-star-wannabe moments.

~ Lady ~

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