Sunday, December 23, 2007

Red Alert 2

I just finished re-playing the Allied mission campaign on this game, it never gets old. It's like a fine wine that only gets better as the years pass.

What is it about this game that makes it so fun, so addicting, so good to replay again and again? Let's think...
  • Well it has an awesome soundtrack for one, a great combination of machine sounds and rock music to get you pumped up no matter what the level.
  • The satisfaction of building a massive strike force (shock and awe baby!) never gets old. Who can get bored while watching their 50 3-star veteran soldiers unload with their heavy machine guns, or while sending in four squadrons of planes to wipe out all of the enemy's production power in one fell swoop?
  • The strategy, of course, is a big part of it. Position your Mirage Tanks to take out incoming infantry waves, Chronosphere a couple of veteran Prism Tanks behind enemy lines to wreak havoc, or fly some engineers in a Blackhack Chopper to take control of the enemies Nuclear Reactor on the hill.
  • Finally, it has very different levels with different types of units and strategies needed to beat each level. And most importantly the levels are HARD! The SEALs level really tests your finger-speed, reactions and strategy. The two island and water levels require a deep understanding of the units and their strengths and weaknesses. And don't even get me started on the final mission, where you must take out the Kremlin and the black Soviet forces. They took out my construction yard and all of my power plants, but I STILL managed to take them down. And with a dramatic flair, I might add.
Truly a satisfying game, again and again.

Sorry there haven't been any updates on the site structure today, with Christmas shopping and hanging out with my family I wasn't on as much. Granted, Red Alert also took some time. But I had wanted to play it since I finished my finals, and I'm on break, so it was a good time to replay the good old missions.

Stay tuned later this week for some more good posts and some site updates.

~ Lady ~

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